लकडाउन उलङ्घन गर्दा सुर्खेतमा पास्टरहरू पक्राउ भन्ने शिर्षकमा छापिएको समाचारको वास्तविकता
-जनक बिसी, सुर्खेत। 'लकडाउन उलङ्घन गर्दा सुर्खेतमा पास्टरहरू पक्राउ' भन्ने शिर्षकमा छापिएको समाचारको वास्तविकता बुझ्न खोज्दा निस्सि चर्चाका अगुवाले दिएको...
-जनक बिसी, सुर्खेत। 'लकडाउन उलङ्घन गर्दा सुर्खेतमा पास्टरहरू पक्राउ' भन्ने शिर्षकमा छापिएको समाचारको वास्तविकता बुझ्न खोज्दा निस्सि चर्चाका अगुवाले दिएको...
प्यारो मित्र बिर्खे, धेरै-धेरै सम्झना र माया! समय पनि कति चाडो बितेको होला, पौष महिना शुरू भएको थाहै भएन! जे...
-Janak BC, As I was reading an article titled, “Now is the Time” by Bill Taylor, I saw the grander...
पेरुको उत्तरी प्रान्तमा एउटा जनजातीको बसोबास छ जसलाई "एमोआई जाती” भनेर चिनिन्छ। जब सुसमाचार पहिलो पटक त्यस प्रान्तमा आयो, परमेश्वरले...
(In remembrance of Renate Riek who went to be with the Lord on March 10th, 2015.) [caption id="attachment_9054" align="alignright"...
The situation on the ground has not improved much in the Western Nepal despite the political changes and the initiation...
-Janak BC Dr. Val Inchley I was familiar with the name “Bal kumari” since I...
Nepali Churches in Urban-India I am tremendously delighted and grateful to God for his bountiful blessing...
Few days ago, I was reading a book “When Helping Hurts; How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor and...
Things are not well with me nowadays. My heart really whimpers when I lie down on the bed in the...
Written by Janak B.C. Things are not well with me nowadays. My heart really whimpers when I lie down on...
50-60 years ago in Nepal the words “Christian,” “Bible,” “Church”was not found in the usual vocabulary. Now almost a generation...
A 60-year-old Nepali migrant who is working in the construction site in Shimla. Migration is a...
Written by Janak B.C. Let me begin with an exhilarating saying by Tertullian who states in his famous work Apologeticus...
Written by Janak B.C. (Hebrews 11:13-16) One of the key aspects of human survival is ‘Hope.’ I do not...
Written by Janak B.C. Human beings are shaped by culture and tradition. No matter how much you protest against the...
Last week, I got an opportunity to watch a movie "To Save a Life," which is a 2010 Christian drama...
“Christianity is a migratory religion...the book of Genesis might almost readily have been named the book of 'migrations'.”1 The word...
“The root of evil is not the system actually but the sin that we are holding on which drives us...
Nepal has reached a new dimension in the journey of secular democracy. However, we have to consider our strides in...
क्यानडाको टोरन्टो पिअर्सन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा अवतरण गर्ने क्रममा डेल्टा एयरलाइन्सको उडान ४७१९ विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त भएको छ। विमानमा ८० यात्रु सवार...
नेपालमा घरजग्गा कारोबार सुधारोन्मुख देखिए पनि माघमा राजस्व संकलन पुसको तुलनामा घटेको छ। भूमि व्यवस्था तथा अभिलेख विभागका अनुसार माघमा...
Living Stone Academy School, located in Lalitpur Metropolitan, Nakkhu-4, Lalitpur District, invites applications for the following teaching positions for the...
काठमाण्डौं। नेपाली चलचित्र “स्वर्गयात्रा Rapture” अब चाँडै पर्दामा आउने खरसाङको ट्रु फ्रेण्ड प्रोडक्शनको ब्यानर र डि टिभी दार्जीलिङको वैष्णवी प्रोडक्शनको...
नेपाल टप साइवर सोलुशन प्रा. ली. द्वारा प्रकाशित
संस्थापक/प्रमुख सम्पादकः टंक सुबेदी
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं: १८४४/०७६-७७
फोनः ९८१८०६६४८६
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