Servant leadership
Written by Isabel Carter
How can we follow the example of Jesus in serving others? Why can this be particularly difficult to do in leadership roles?
Read John 13:1-17 – which describes the example of leadership that Jesus provides.
?What model of leadership does Jesus show here?
?How would we feel if we were one of the disciples?
?What should our response be to Jesus’ action?
?What characterises the leadership demonstrated here?
Ask people to physically wash each other’s feet.
?How did this feel for the person washing the feet?
?How did this feel for the people whose feet were washed?
?What does it teach us about leadership?
Leadership is never easy. Do we support and pray for our leaders as much as we should?
See also
Philippians 2:6-7 Who, being in very nature God
Matthew 20:24-28 Servant leadership
Matthew 12:18-20 Here is my servant
Matthew 10:1 He called his twelve disciples
Nepali Version Below:
सेवक अगुवापन
अरूलाई सेवा पुर्यानउने कुरामा, हामीले येशूको उदाहरणलाई कसरी पछ्याउन सक्छौं ? अगुवापनको भूमिकामा यो कार्य किन विशेषरूपमा गाह्रो हुन सक्छ ?
(?) यहाँ येशूले अगुवापनको कस्तो नमूना दिनुहुन्छ ?
(?) यदि हामी चेलाहरू मध्येको एउटा भएको भए, कस्तो महसुस गर्ने थियौं होला ?
(?) येशूको कामप्रति हाम्रो प्रतिक्रिया कस्तो हुनुपर्छ ?
(?) यहाँ प्रदर्शित अगुवापनलाई कुन विशेषताले देखाउँछ ? मानिसहरूलाई प्रत्यक्ष रूपमा एक अर्काको खुट्टा धुन लगाउनुहोस्।
(?) खुट्टा धोइदिने व्यक्तिले कस्तो महसुस गर्योे ?
(?) जसको खुट्टा धोइयो उसले कस्तो महसुस गर्योय ?
(?) यसले हामीलाई अगुवापनको बारेमाके सिकाउँछ ?
अगुवाई गर्नु कहिल्यै पनि सजिलो हुँदैन।के हामीले हाम्रा अगुवाहरूलाई चाहिए जति सहायता र प्रार्थना गर्छौं ?
निम्न खण्डहरू पनि हेर्नुहोस्
फिलिप्पी २:६-७ जो परमेश्वरको स्वभाव हो।
मत्ती २०:२४-२८ सेवक अगुवापन।
मत्ती १२:१८-२० मेरा सेवक यहाँ छन्।
मत्ती १०:१ उहाँले १२ चेलाहरूलाई बोलाउनुभयो।
‘This is a translation of a Tearfund publication, ‘Guide Our Steps.’
Nepali Translation and Posted by Rita Subedi, Translator, ITEEN
Republished on new site May 7,2013
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