प्रीय मित्रहरू,
गत हप्ताको नाटक यहाँहरूलाई याद होला नाटकमा हामीले प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्टसँग सम्बन्धित केही अनौठा, नामहरू र चरीत्रहरू देखेका थियौं । जस्तै: प्यालेष्टाइन, रोमी साम्राज्य, उग्रवादी, भन्सार अधिकृत, बेतलेहेम, गालील आदि ।
प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्टलाई राम्रोसँग चिन्न र उहाँले भन्नुभएका कुराहरू ठीक अर्थमा बुझ्न हामीले उहाँ यस संसारमा रहँदाको परिस्थिति र वातावरणलाई राम्ररी बुझ्न आवश्यक छ ।
यसरी बुझ्दै जानको लागि आगामी धेरै हप्तासम्म हामीले मत्तीले लेखेका सुसमाचारलाई आधार बनाएर ख्रीष्टको बारेमा सिक्नेछौं
सबैभन्दा पहिला उहाँको देश र मानिसहरूको बारेमा अध्ययन गरौं ।
प्रभु येशू जन्मनु भएको देशको नाम प्यालेष्टाइन थियो । प्यालेष्टाइन रोमी साम्राज्यको अधीनमा थियो। रोमी साम्राज्य एशिया, यूरोप र अफ्रिकासम्म फैलिएको विशाल साम्राज्य थियो ।
प्यालेष्टाइनलाई कब्जामा राख्न रोमी साम्राज्यले एउटा सेनाको पल्टनलाई त्यहाँ खटाएको थियो ।
येशूको देशको वास्तविक नाम इज्राएल भएपनि त्यसबेला प्यालेष्टाइन भनिन्थ्यो । त्यस देशमा यहूदीहरूको बसोबास थियो तर त्यहाँका सेनाहरू भने विदेशी थिए । त्यस देशका बासिन्दा रोमी वा पलिष्ती नभइ यहूदीहरू थिए ।
प्यालेष्टाइन भूमध्य सागरको छेउमा थियो । रोमी साम्राज्यको लगभग वीचमा पर्ने भएकोले यो सागरलाई भूमध्य सागर भनिएको हो ।
येशू मानव रूपमा संसारमा हुँदाको राजनैतिक रूप यही हो । अब समयको बारेमा हेरौं कहिलेको कुरा हो यो?
बुद्धको जन्म मिति ५६३ इ. पू. हो। अर्थात् बुद्ध येशू भन्दा ५६३ वर्षअगाडि जन्मेका थिए । त्यसै गरी पृथ्वी नारायण शाहले नेपाल एकिकरण सन् १७६७ मा गरेका थिए । अर्थात् येशू जन्मेको १७६७ वर्षपछि नेपाल एकिकरण भएको थियो । येशू जन्मेको समयबाट अगाडि र पछाडि गरी मितिहरू हेरिन्छन् । यसबाट हामीलाई थाहा हुन्छ कि येशू आज भन्दा लगभग २००० वर्षअगाडि यस संसारमा मानवको रूपमा आउनु भएको थियो ।
त्यति पुरानो समयमा पनि रोमीहरूले राम्रा बाटाहरू र ठूला पानी जहाजहरू निर्माण गरेका थिए । रोमदेखि प्यालेष्टाइनसम्म ढुंगाले छापेको २३०० कि.मी.लामो बाटो निर्माण गरेका थिए । यहूदीहरूको देशमा रोमीका सैनिक क्याम्पहरू थिए ती क्याम्पमा रोमी झण्डा फहराइएको हुन्थ्यो । यो देख्दा कतिपय यहूदीहरूलाई सही नसक्नु हुन्थ्यो । त्यतिमात्र होइन, उनीहरूले चलाउने सिक्कामा रोमी सम्राट “कैसर” को छाप हुन्थ्यो ।
“उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो , यो चित्र कसको हो, अनि कसको नाउँ खोपिएको छ? तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई भने, कैसरको । तब उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, यसकारण जे कैसरका हुन्, ती कैसरलाई देओ, र जे परमेश्वरका हुन् ती परमेश्वरलाई देओ ।”
(मत्ती २२:२०-२१)
त्यसैले गर्दा यहूदीहरूमध्ये केही व्यक्ति उग्रवादी भएका थिए । यो समूह प्राय भूमिगत नै रहन्थ्यो ।
त्यसै गरी रोमीहरूसँग मिल्ने एउटा समूह पनि थियो । कर उठाउनेहरू जसलाई हामीले भन्सार अधिकृत भनेका छौं । यिनीहरू यहूदीहरूबाटै कर उठाउँथे र रोमी सरकारलाई पठाउँथे। यसरी कर उठाउँदा यिनीहरूबाट धेरै अन्याय हुने गर्थ्यो । उनीहरूले करको केही रकम रोम पठाउँथे भने बाँकी आफैले प्रयोग गर्न पाउँथे । अरू यहूदीहरूले यी मानिसहरूलाई अत्यन्तै घृणाको भावले हेर्थे ।
यस प्रकारको राजनैतिनक, सामाजिक, भौगलिक परिस्थितिको वीचमा येशू ख्रीष्ट आफ्नो छुट्टै राज्य स्थापना गर्नको लागि आउनुभएको थियो । उहाँको यस राज्यलाई फैलाउन उहाँले बाह्र जना प्रेरितहरूलाई छान्नुभएको थियो ।
बाह्र प्रेरितहरूका नाउँ यी हुन्, पहिलो पत्रुस भनिने सिमोन र तिनका भाइ अन्द्रियास, जब्दियाका छोरा याकूब र तिनका भाइ यूहन्ना, फिलिप र बारथोलोमाइ, थोमा र कर उठाउने मत्ती, अल्फयसका छोरा याकूब र थेदियस, सिमोन कनानी र यहूदा इस्करियोत जसले येशूलाई पक्राइदियो ।
मत्ती १०:२-४
यस सूचीमा धेरै प्रकारका मानिसहरू छन्
जालहारी डक्टर कर उठाउने उग्रवादी
यहाँ भएका मध्य दुइजनालाई हेरौं त मत्ती र सिमोन । मत्ती पहिला कर उठाउने, यहूदी विरोधी व्यक्ति थिए र सिमोन कनानी चाहिँ उग्रवादी, देश भक्त, रोमी विरोधी थिए ।
यी दुईजना वीच पक्कै पनि अत्यन्तै कठोर घृणाको भावना थियो तर येशूको राज्यमा यी दुवै मिलेका छन् । के यो अति अचम्मको कुरा होइन र? यी दुवै यहूदी थिए, प्यालेष्टाइन देशमा बस्थे रोमी साम्राज्यको अधीनमा थिए तर कुन राज्यमा गएर मिल्न सके?
“र्स्वगको राज्य नजीकै आएको छ, भन्दै प्रचार गर।”
मत्ती १०:७
आज पनि संसारमा आफ्नो राष्ट्रलाई भ्रष्ट शासकहरूबाट मुक्त गर्न थुप्रै संगठनहरू खडा भएका छन् तर साँचो स्वतन्त्रता र प्रेमको राज्य चाहिँ येशूमा मात्र सम्भव छ ।
मत्तीको पुस्तक त्यही कर उठाउने मत्तीले लेखेका हुन् । येशूको पछि लागेपछि उनमा ठूलो परिवर्तन आएको छ त्यसैले त उनले राज्यको बारेमा धेरै लेखेका छन् । यस पुस्तकमा राज्य शब्द ५० पटक भन्दा वढी दोहोरिएको पाइन्छ ।
यो नयाँ ‘राज्य प्रेमको राज्य’ ‘स्वर्गको राज्य’ हो । जुन क्रान्तिबाट, सैनिक बलबाट र आन्दोलनबाट आउन सक्दैन । तर ख्रीष्टको पछि लागेर मात्र आउँन सक्छ । र्स्वगको राज्य रोमी साम्राज्य र उग्रवादी भन्दा फरक छ यो त प्रेमद्वारा स्थापित छ ।
मत्ती ५:४४
आज हामीहरू सबैजना पनि यही प्रेमको राज्यका नागरीकहरू हुन पाएका छौं ।
त्यसैले मत्ती ५:४४लाई हाम्रो जीवनमा जिवन्त पारौं।
Republished in new layout on 8/5/2013
Previous Comments
written by Peter Bisset , July 01, 2008Matthew states that Jesus was born while Herod the Great was still alive and that Herod ordered the slaughter of infants two years old and younger (Matt. 2:16), and based on the date of Herod’s death in 4 BC (contra Dionysius Exiguus), many chronologists conclude that the year 6 BC is the most likely year of Jesus’ birth. Consequently, Jesus would have been about four to six years old in the year AD 1.
On the other hand, Luke’s account places Jesus’ birth during a census conducted under the governorship of Quirinius, who, according to Josephus, conducted a census in AD 6. In order to reconcile the two Gospel accounts, some have suggested that Josephus was mistaken or that Quirinius had a separate period of rule under Herod. In any case, the actual date of his birth remains historically unverifiable.
In recent years, East Asian historians have attempted to match the birth of Jesus with special events in their history. They found that, according to the oldest record of the Comet Halley during the Han Dynasty, “The comet heads east with its tail pointing west at night, and was appearing in the sky for more than 70 days”. in 6 BC. This has been suggested as an independent record of the “Star” described in Matthew 2. If accepted, this suggestion would place the birthday of Jesus in summer rather than winter.
In the 6th century, Dionysius Exiguus proposed to make the birth of Jesus the basis of the calendar but he miscalculated the death of Herod. Years reckoned in this way are labelled “A.D.”, which stands for Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of the Lord” in Latin.
From the evidence from Matthew according to the oldest record of the Comet Halley during the Han Dynasty that it appeared in 6 BC it would seem that the most likely date for Christ’s birth is 6 BC and this is the date accepted by most Protestant scholars.
From the evidence that I have read I can’t see how Thomas Wang came to a date of 4 AD for Christ’s birth. If we take the date of a census conducted under the governorship of Quirinius, who, according to Josephus, conducted a census in AD 6, then Christ’s birth date would be 6 AD, not 4 AD.
If Dionysius Exiguus had not miscalculated the death of Herod when he proposed to make the birth of Jesus the basis of the calendar then the birth of Christ would have been 0 AD.
Because “A.D.”, which stands for Anno Domini, means “in the year of the Lord” in Latin then when we are talking ‘rough’ dates of biblical events Christ’s birth may be put at 0 AD, but to be more accurate it is generally held by most Christians as 6 BC to fit in the the attested date of Herod’s death.
I hope this comment may clarify this subject a little.
Peter Bisset
written by Peter Bisset , July 01, 2008Matthew states that Jesus was born while Herod the Great was still alive and that Herod ordered the slaughter of infants two years old and younger (Matt. 2:16), and based on the date of Herod’s death in 4 BC (contra Dionysius Exiguus), many chronologists conclude that the year 6 BC is the most likely year of Jesus’ birth. Consequently, Jesus would have been about four to six years old in the year AD 1.
On the other hand, Luke’s account places Jesus’ birth during a census conducted under the governorship of Quirinius, who, according to Josephus, conducted a census in AD 6. In order to reconcile the two Gospel accounts, some have suggested that Josephus was mistaken or that Quirinius had a separate period of rule under Herod. In any case, the actual date of his birth remains historically unverifiable.
In recent years, East Asian historians have attempted to match the birth of Jesus with special events in their history. They found that, according to the oldest record of the Comet Halley during the Han Dynasty, “The comet heads east with its tail pointing west at night, and was appearing in the sky for more than 70 days”. in 6 BC. This has been suggested as an independent record of the “Star” described in Matthew 2. If accepted, this suggestion would place the birthday of Jesus in summer rather than winter.
In the 6th century, Dionysius Exiguus proposed to make the birth of Jesus the basis of the calendar but he miscalculated the death of Herod. Years reckoned in this way are labelled “A.D.”, which stands for Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of the Lord” in Latin.
From the evidence from Matthew according to the oldest record of the Comet Halley during the Han Dynasty that it appeared om 6 BC it would seem that the most likely dated for Christ’d birth is 6 BC and this is the date accepted by most Protestant scholars.
From the evidence that I have read I can’t see how Thomas Wang came to a date of 4 AD for Christ’s birth. If we take the date of a census conducted under the governorship of Quirinius, who, according to Josephus, conducted a census in AD 6, then Christ’s birth date would be 6 AD, not 4 AD.
If Dionysius Exiguus had not miscalculated the death of Herod when he proposed to make the birth of Jesus the basis of the calendar then the birth of CHrist would have been 0 AD.
Because “A.D.”, which stands for Anno Domini, means “in the year of the Lord” in Latin then when we are talking ‘rough’ dates of biblical events Christ’s birth may be put at 0 AD, but to be more accurate it is generally held by most Christians as 6 BC to fit in the the attested date of Herod’s death.
I hope this comment may clarify this subject a little.
Peter Bisset
written by brother P , June 08, 2008tanks dai, fonts are very fine on my browser after you launched the new look on website.”
keep doing the work of the Lord, and He may richly bless you
written by Paulas Pun , June 03, 2008Dear brother
I read your article “contry of jesus” that is verry good that is also in life of jesus book 1. in this book and your article birth of jesus is a.d. o. but the book of thomas hwang “important teaching of christian theology” there arebirth of jesus is a.d. 4 what about it. Is it only imagination or what? please give me more information about it.
Paulas Pun
written by vijay thada magar,kingdom of bahrain , June 02, 2008Thank you very much pastor ju,sarairamro lagyo malai,all the best and god bless to you,parbhule aasisdiun,ajhai pane yestai lekhdai januhola,
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