Jesus response to sin
Read John 8:1-11
The teachers of the law brought to Jesus a woman who had been caught commiting adultery. The accusers wanted to humiliate the woman and to trap Jesus. The man, who had also committed adultery, had escaped. They brought the woman out in public, ready to be stoned.
?)How did Jesus respond to their accusations?
?)How did Jesus remain in control of the situation and his own feelings?
?)How did he judge the woman’s sin?
?)What can we learn from Jesus’ example in judging others?
Jesus did not defend the woman’s actions, but he was willing to stand up to the powerful. His actions were motivated by love and the desire for reconciliation. He taught forgiveness, rather than condemnation
Nepali version below
पापप्रति येशूको प्रतिक्रिया
यूहन्ना ८:१-११ पढ्नुहोस्।
व्यवस्थाका गुरुहरुले व्यभिचारमा पक्रिएकी स्त्रीलाई येशूकहाँ ल्याए।यो दोष्याउनेहरुले त्यस स्त्रीलाई लाजमा पार्न र येशूलाई फसाउन चाहन्थे।तर जुन मानिस पनि व्यभिचारमा पक्रिएको थियो, त्यो भागेको थियो।उनीहरुले स्त्रीलाई सबै समाजको अगाडि ल्याए र ढुङ्गाले हानी मार्न तयार भए।
(?) येशूले उनीहरुले दोष्याएको कार्य प्रति कसरी प्रतिक्रिया जनाउनुभयो ?
(?) यो परिस्थिति र उहाँको आफ्नै भावनाहरुमा येशू कसरी नियन्त्रणमा रहनुभयो ?
(?) स्त्रीको पापले उहाँले कसरी न्याय गर्नुभयो ?
(?) अरुलाई न्याय गर्ने कुरामा येशूको उदाहरणबाट हामीले के सिक्न सक्छौं ?
येशूले स्त्रीको कामको प्रतिरक्षा गर्नुभएन र उहाँ शक्तिशालीहरुको अगाडि उभिन तयार हुनुभयो।उहाँका कार्यहरु प्रेम र मिलापको इच्छाद्बारा उत्प्रेरित थिए।उहाँले दोष्याउनुको साटो क्षमाको शिक्षा दिनुभयो।
‘This is a translation of a Tearfund publication, ‘Guide Our Steps.’
Nepali Translation by Rita Subedi, Translator, ITEEN
Republished on nepalchurch .com new site may21,2013