Nepal is slowly recovering from the massive earthquake of 25 April 2015 and hundreds of big and small aftershocks. People are still traumatized and time is needed for full recovery. Three stages of responses are received from within the nation and internationally. Various international governments and non-government organizations have helped and still they are helping to rebuild nation of Nepal. Christians from across the globe have responded and many families and communities have been helped and such responses continue and rebuilding of destroyed homes and churches are the present needs. The Nepalese churches have well responded to this disaster by being involved in providing food and shelter and now the rebuilding initiatives. Though Nepali government and media do not acknowledge the contributions of the Christian community in Nepal, the public who received such timely help are very grateful and they openly appreciate Christian churches and their help. The eternity will reveal such selfless service though it is not being acknowledged. We are thankful to God for all these initiatives. Please continue to pray for the rebuilding of Nepal not only in terms of restoration of destroyed or damaged infrastructure, but also building of lives that people may receive the real meaning of human life. The earthquake has shattered human hope and people have become hopeless and they need healing and restoration and it can be done with the help of almighty God through Jesus Christ who is the Prince of peace and love.
Nepali Church is experiencing another earthquake of different nature. Nepal in its political, religious, social, and economic terms is going through a challenging time. Here I would like to bring toyour attention one of these national issues. In eighteenth century, during the Malla dynasty period Nepal experienced a full religious freedom of professing and propagating religious beliefs. Christianity flourished in Nepal with such religious freedom. Such freedom was curtailed by the end of eighteenth century and until 1950, Nepal remained an isolated country. After the political change in 1950, Nepal was opened to the outside world and Christian gospel came in. Christian witness became active and small churches emerged. But in 1960, this freedom of religion was taken away and Nepal was declared a ‘Hindu State’. All Christian activities were restricted and several Christians at different times and places in Nepal were put in prisons. Such religious freedom was curtailed until 1990, and after this period church has been experiencing religious freedom to a great extent.
During the period 1960 to 1990, all political parties were banned and the political leaders were also imprisoned because of their political convictions, as Christians were put in prisons because of their religious convictions. Both were prisoners of their convictions. In 1990, when there was a political change, the Christians also experienced more religious freedom and it is still being experienced.
After the election of constituent assembly in 2008, the constitution drafting process began. It was going to be the people’s constitution where every citizen is guaranteed fundamental rights in different areas. The Panchayat regime that imprisoned political leaders and Christians from 1960 to 1990 is in the present parliament advocatingPanchayat ideology andis demanding a Hindu Kingdom, a monarchy system and curtailing religious rights to its citizens, and especially to Christians. Indian Hindutva movement is playing a major role inthis, which has the blessings of present government of India. The political parties have forgotten their past experience of imprisonment from this regime and now supporting this regime to curtail religious freedom of professing and propagating rights. A few days ago there was a heated discussion in parliament and it was obstructed for 5 hours. The obstruction was made by this Party offormer Panchas. The issue was on the right to conversion. The draft constitution reads as: Each person according to his conviction has the freedom to accept, practice, and protect his religion and has the freedom to separate himself from the religion.
मस्यौदाको धारा ३१: स्वतन्त्रताको धार्मिक हक अन्तरगत रहेको
१. मा प्रत्येक व्यक्तिलाई आफ्नो आस्था अनुसार धर्मको अवलम्बन, अभ्यास र संरक्षण तथा कुनै धर्मबाट अलग रहने स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ ।
This statement allows the freedom of religious practice, but because of the agitation in the parliament by this party, the chairman of the drafting committee has interpreted this statement saying, this does not allow anyone to change from one religion to another and it applies that a person can reject his religion and become atheist. I was amazed to hear such an interpretation that a person has the freedom to change from his religion to atheism and not from his religion to any other religion. Such interpretation completely violates basic human rights. We have been told that four political parties Chairmen have agreed to such an interpretation, which is unfortunate. The State should not entertain such a demand from the party and people, who persecuted them in the past and persecuted Christian community. We, as Christians were hoping that this constitution will be ours as well with the right of professing and sharing our faith to the people, who would like to listen God’s heart and now it is being curtailed. How can this mistake be corrected? Who will do it? We believe that our greatest weapon is our prayer in our Living Almighty God. He is God who has acted in the history and He is still active to bring a change despite people’s wrong decisions.
First of all, we need to mobilize churches to pray locally, nationally and internationally. There is power in prayer. Moses prayed, Nehemiah, Daniel, Esther and Apostles and others prayed and God answered their prayers. When we earnestly pray, God will answer.
Secondly, we need to take this issue to our political leaders, human right activists, civil society leaders, judges, lawyers, media and people of various religious groups and general public to tell the truth of basic human right violation. International communities and human right organizations need to be informed on the present religious right issue in Nepal which is being curtailed. These organizations need to ask the government of Nepal on this issue. Nepal has signed and ratified the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Convention on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR) which guarantee every person full religious freedom including the freedom to change one’s religion. Nepal has to eitherabide by this commitment or withdraw the signature. The government cannot say one thing and do another thing. It should be truthful to its commitment. Christians are in this nation to serve and see the communities transformed internally and externally and we have experienced this in a great deal.
It is very difficult for me to understand why people misunderstand Christianity or Christian way of life. It is a good life that begins with internal transformation. This new life in Christ gives purpose for human existence. It delivers a person from wrong concept of transmigration of souls in many lives. It sets free a person from wrong habits, addiction, and many evil things that control humans. It rejects caste structure of society and treats every human person equally. It helps one another in the spirit of service and encourages people to live together in peace, harmony, honesty and integrity. It encourages hard work and respects all kinds of works. Christianity is a religion of peace and solidarity. It gives its resources freely and serves people in time of need. Believe me, Nepal will be transformed only through the non-violence teaching of Christ. Even the greatest leader of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi was impacted by the teaching of Christ and he followed Christ’s teaching of non-violence way of freedom struggle in India. Nepal needs the teachings of Christ. I urge everyone to know who Christ is. If there is one person whom I can follow, I will follow Christ not any other person or god or goddess. Show me one example of holiness, self sacrifice, love, acceptance, I will follow that person. But it is Christ who meets my expectation. Try Christ and you will be never disappointed.
I urge all the political players, please do not mess up with religion. Leave religions alone. Let people have their choice of what they would like to follow according to their free will. Do not give unnecessary speeches that ifchoice ofreligious freedom is given, there will be religious war. Such irresponsible words will create tensions and religious tolerance and harmony will be destroyed. People will be emotionally charged and the results of it will be very destructive. Speak the language of peace and coexistence. We Nepali people are here to coexist with all faiths and political ideologies. We are here to help one another and not to harm anyone. This is our Christian heart. We say what we do, we serve all people irrespective of their religious faith and ideologies. Our Lord Jesus has taught this and we will not depart from this. We are committed to serve people and nation even though we are despised and humiliated. Those who come against the Living God will vanish. The history is its evidence.
The fundamental human right has to be restored and every citizen should be guaranteed full religious freedom including freedom to embrace, follow and practice the religion of one’s choice; to change one’s religion and not have any religion. No one should dictate it.
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