The Yoga of Jesus
Book Reviewed by BP Khanal B. P. Khanal This book is written with a perspective that...
Book Reviewed by BP Khanal B. P. Khanal This book is written with a perspective that...
Book Review by BP Khanal B. P. Khanal If we lose our soul after having achieved...
Book Review B. P. Khanal Sadhana simply means to do a regular or fervent exercise...
Book Reviewed B. P. Khanal In this book Living Water and Indian Bowl, Dayanand Bharati...
Book Reviewed B. P. Khanal The very commanding statement the author makes is that "We aren't...
Book Reviewed by BP Khanal B. P. Khanal In his book, Death of a Guru, Rabindranath Maharaj...
- Bible Verses, compiled by BP Khanal This is carefully surveys the entire Bible, except epistles in the New...
The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) was established in 1964 by a group of Filipino Christian leaders who were...
The Philippines1 is one of the mass populated countries in South-East Asia. It is surrounded by the South China Sea...
One cannot wait until at point of explosion while it comes to an urge for change. But the authority always...
As elaborately described in the sermon of Charles Finney, the state of backsliding heart is usually can be known how...
LAUNCHING OF THE DOCTRINE ON PREDESTINATION Theology Brought into Mainstram by John Calvin Though the issue raised by Luther was...
के कुरो कसले कहिले कहाँ गर्दा ऐतिहासिक हुन्छ? अनि ऐतिहासिकता जाँच्ने सूचक के हो? कसले गरेको ऐतिहासिक हुन्छ अनि अरूले...
GRACE, FAITH & JUSTIFICATION IN CHRIST Contempleting on Martin Luther's Work on Romans In the preface article to his commentary...
Condemnation, Confrontation and Commendation Reflection on John Wycliffe’s Attempts to Reformation Condemnation The urges of reformation rises up with the...
THE DISCOVERIES AND TOWARD THE MODERN CATHOLICISM Spiritual Exercise of Ignatius Loyola & Council of Trent This period was fast...
THE “MARTYRS” “A Call to Unconverted” & “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” I was recalling the Scripture...
A VISION FOR REASON John Locke; Daniel Defoe; Thomas Paine, and Declaration of Rights of Men Shelley has good reason...
TOWARDS THE RADICAL REFORMATION Watching closely the Man – Ulrich Zwingli These readings focus on the life and reformatory journey...
एएनएफए महिला लिग २०२५ मा सबिता राना मगरले सबैभन्दा मूल्यवान खेलाडी (MVP) को उपाधि जितेकी छन्। उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन गर्दै उनले...
काठमाणडौं। महिला यूँ - १९ टी-२० विश्वकपमा नेपालकी पूजा महतो सर्वाधिक विकेट लिने खेलाडी बनिसकेकी छन्। समूह चरण र प्लेअफ...
काठमाण्माडौं।मानव बेचबिखन तथा ओसारपसार मुद्दामा इन्टरबाटपोलबाट रेड नोटिस जारी भएका फ़रार प्रतिवादी बिनोद पौडेल ओमानमा पक्राउ परेका छन्। बर्दियाका र...
मंगलवार, २३ पुष, २०८१ काठमाण्डौं। आज बिहान ६:५० बजे नेपाल - चीन सिमाना नजिकै संखुवासभा र ताप्लेजुङ क्षेत्रमा ७.० म्याग्निच्युडको...
नेपाल टप साइवर सोलुशन प्रा. ली. द्वारा प्रकाशित
संस्थापक/प्रमुख सम्पादकः टंक सुबेदी
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं: १८४४/०७६-७७
फोनः ९८१८०६६४८६
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