Some Matter of Concern
from Nepali – Aja Voli ka Kura आजभोलिका कुरा
We stand in a fateful juncture of time. All sisters and brothers in Christ, it is time to remind ourselves of the need of praise, prayer, repentance, reading of scriptures in our daily lives. ‘Reading of the Word’ while crucial is also the most neglected item in the Church today. If the supremacy and the centrality of the Word are absent in our mind, in our actions, in our thoughts, in our families, we have no right to speak with authority on any matter. The very basis of our life is the Bible. The forever Word of God.
Running the affairs of a nation must be an art. Some countries do well. But we have trouble here in Nepal. Our leaders lack knowledge, experience and will to do things. After 300 deaths in October and November they have only now imposed a new law that buses should not carry passengers beyond number of passenger seats ! Rule number two, bus drivers should be educated to at least grade 10 level. Law was created and implemented after so many heart breaking accidents. However, Transport Union went on strike for three days – All Public transport came to a halt, the government yielded. The unions (in reality and big dons) kept intact their rights to do what they want to with the lives of people.
Not a single national leader is courageous enough to speak his mind. Many say, Hindu Caste system must be observed, ‘No !’ Sharp reaction from another section,”this is the 21st century.” What exactly is that ? Are you saying by implication that live burning of the widows was ok in the 18th century ? Skinning of the untouchable was justified the 19th ? or what ?
It’s in the Bible we read about the respect of the widows. There is no concept of ‘Dalit’ in the Koran, Grantha Sahib (Sikh Holy Book) or the Tripitak (Buddhist). None of the Scriptures of the whole world except Hindu holy books make room for the theory of the Dalits. And we know that destroys the social fabric and pushes just one caste to the top. Its well known that Bible brings back the honor to the woman. Who is the greatest ? people asked, and Yeshua the Lord replied, ‘He who is the servant of all.’ I believe it is the person who studies the Bible for himself who can speak the thoughts of the universal person. Applicable everywhere, Africa, the Americas, China, every spot on earth. A Bible reader’s guidelines do not begin with the advent of the 21st century – his standards were set and ready for him to live by, from the 1st century AD !
Divisions of the States in the new Federal system of Nepal will bring centuries of Brahmin rules to an end. These apprehensions are doing their rounds in the corridors of the power that be. They are not our invention. Uproars and outcries for ethno-based State rules have triggered these worries. End of the ruleship of the hitherto rulers is not good news. They are the most educated, informed people who have the history and capacity of governance. It’s sad that the ruling caste did not groom the ‘OCs’ (other castes). They failed utterly to see a changed scenario in a future date. Which is now ! If they had taken the children of all castes and communities alongside their own on a journey of progress, a grateful nation would praise their foresight. (A writer’s opinion can make people mad, but his job basically is to try and explain the truth as best he can.)
Count down has begun. Some hope is there still. The Brahmins and the Chettris should not commit the ultimate hara-kiri of asking for their own state. Because wherever they go the pernicious high-low debate will go with them. All Hindus have a pathetic fixation about caste based inquiry of a person’s height in the socio-religious hierarchy.
In their panic of losing hold of past glory they are hastily blasting the trumpet of Hindu supremacy for the whole land. But this trumpet sound could be misinterpreted as call to battle by the Maoists and the Janjatees (ethnic groups), who are more than willing to oblige those who wish for combat. Make a note; the Maoists are a tired, vanquished lot. Once they occupied the full length of the nation’s stage and held sway over all and anything to do with terrorism in Nepal. Consequences of their brutal, inhuman behaviors will haunt them for the rest of the history in Nepal. However, the Hindu extremist Shiva Sena Brigade’s call for restoration of Hinduism as the national religion of Nepal in the constitution ‘again’ will definitely raise the Maoist ire.
‘Secular Nepal’ is their brain child. They will fight back the Shiva Brigade for two reasons – firstly they have squandered too many years in a semi-retired, languid, politically impotent existence, (hiding their trigger happy, itchy forefingers in their pockets.) Secondly, any sound of the trumpet will revive deep nostalgia and they would want to respond. They will jump to the idea of a second chance for combat, something for which they have proven track records.
What makes it worse is the likelihood of the Janjatee brethren joining forces to settle the issue of secularism once for all in this land. Brahmins will again bear the brunt of any such showdown. Hinduism is in essence Brahmanism. It’s the highest caste whose interest is at stake in any situation of peril for the religion. It is our conviction that all reformed Brahmins and anybody who loves the nation – deserve a chance to serve the nation in the framework of the new constitution (and give their best.) Not locked into geo-political State four walls, but spread freely throughout the length and breadth of the land. To serve and make a name for Nepal.
Missionaries who came to Nepal went into the interiors to build schools and hospitals that served masses of poor people for several decades. All people who are well educated and hold knowledge about good governance should come forward to serve Nepal with a missionary heart. Christians have done it, now Hindus should emulate. Simply put, a missionary heart is the heart that forgets self and thinks of others.
We harm ourselves if we adopt belligerent attitude towards those who have been in the helm of administrative affairs. We should not commence the implementation of the constitution with a call to arms. The doors of love and charity are open and around us, all the time.
In spheres of general administration, economics and national security, input from erstwhile bureaucrats is unavoidable for a period of time. A well educated person just cannot move into principalship of a school. Understanding distinctive features and nuance of a job is vital. Working along side a principal for a while gives one the unseen keys to running the affairs of a school well. Yes, we are speaking in favor of the qualified, experienced administrators who can mentor the next generation of nation builders. It’s the nurse that has done hundreds of rounds with a doctor who can guide a fresh graduate out of medical school. Expertise of all States must be available to all States of New Nepal in the Federal set up. (Truth must be told and confessed that higher caste Hindus hold near total dominance in the civil services of Nepal. Therefore absolute denial of future role for them in the new State administrations could spell disaster.)
Another matter of concern. We are hearing the bitter, extremist slogans of our dear Hindu brothers and sisters. We understand you wish to start a war – ‘Jihad against the Christians.’ (you have history on your side, the bomb blast in a church during worship, 2009, 3 dead, 80 injured.) You are harping on the same old boring subject matter of religious conversion, ‘Dharma Pariwartan.’ You have no courage to talk about the ‘rejection’ of Hindu religion by millions of communist atheists in this land. How deeply sorrowful you seem about ‘conversion’ from Hinduism to Christ the Lord. When a so called ‘witch’ is burnt alive and made to eat filth, your sorrow never matched the wrath of a simple news reporter. The change of religion is of the highest concern in your mind – why ? Before you exhibit and demonstrate the ammunition you hold for the Churches, we want to draw your attention to few basic truths. All are Nepalese, this nation needs each and every Nepali in the future. All are to be loved. Before you march on the path of hatred and fulfill the threats you have been making, why not take a minute to think what this is doing to you as a person. Why is your religion making you incapable of love ? and providing such broad room for hatred for the low caste, for other religions, widows and women in general (generation to generation) ? What has happened to you ? what will be the consequence of all this for tomorrow ? What will be the universal interpretation of your action against the churches in Nepal ? What is the message of your Gods for the world of today ? Tell us please. We know what you hate. Tell us what you like.
We want to see the communists included in the equation of your war against ‘secular Nepal’. Don’t forget they are the true protagonists of secularism in Nepal. Your Jihad must include those who rejected the old religion and those who embraced a new religion – both. But think. The King had no inkling that he was going against the wind of change, when he let his fury come upon the masses. 19 days’ tussle – just 19 days – resulted in the removal of the very word and concept of monarchy from the constitution. King Gyanendra assumed that he had the power and protection of the gods with him. He could not forsee he himself was going out of existence and nobody else.
It is best to think of long term consequences and implications when one makes major decisions. It is best if all peoples of this land could walk and work together. We do not wish to see tomorrow a banner reading ‘Hindus not allowed to enter this State’ as a result of your decisions today. ‘Only Buddhists may apply for this job’ would not be a pleasant thing to read in anything, anywhere in Nepal. But your confrontational lyrics of today leaves no choice for the type of music that need to be composed around it for tomorrow.
Nobody’s religion or political affiliation is written on anybody’s forehead. Mother Nepal wishes to plant a kiss of blessing and affection on all the foreheads of her children in this land. Do not put weird signals on your persona and decline the kiss of mother Nepal.
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