Poignant saying of the Week: Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person
Scripture: Matthew 12:3
Last week I was invited to speak at a small Bible School. I was armed with a great message and a lengthy one too. I wanted them to know the whole truth of the Gospel and know them right away. When I announced that we are going to read from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians, most of the students were frantically trying to find out where the book was. Here I am standing in the pulpit ready to thunder but the audience was bewildered and confused. Then I realized that these ones were very new believers and some were just few months old believers. I was panicky as I did not know what is to be done. I had the choice of giving a well prepared flowery message or think fast on my feet in a minute or so. Then I decided that the best is to say few things, in the shortest time possible so that they learn something concrete. This incident once again taught me to always be simple and short in my sermon delivery.
Jesus was Master Communicator because He knew His people were simple folks but hungry for the Word of God. Look at all the little but thought provoking parables and sayings of the Lord Jesus! He touched the heart of the audience and even today when we read what he has to say we are lost in wonder in His ability communicate the most complex concept in simple words and form. Even in this age of science and technology His words are the most quoted in the world. Some one has said “Born in a barn, raised in a ghetto, and a common laborer by trade, Jesus spoke in obscurity- yet Jesus of Nazareth is still the most quoted person and best selling author in the western world” It is because He was short, simple and knew and identified with His audience. It is said of him that “the large crowd listened to Him gladly” Mark 12:37
Many of us are leaders in churches and organizations and one of our responsibilities is to speak in various settings. We have to learn to know our audience and speak accordingly. We may have the best message but if we are not able to convey well then the message gets killed along the way. In order to make your messages simple perhaps these simple pointers will help:
– Does the audience comprehend what you are saying?
– Does your audience make connection in that they connect with reality they are facing each day? Does it resonate for their situation?
– Does your audience comprehend your credibility and believe in what you believe?
– Does your audience catch the vision you have shared?
– Does your audience carry the message you have delivered in a sort of contagious way so that others get influenced?
The Master Communicator, Jesus Christ has appointed us as His messenger and so we need to really take the message seriously and share in a most effective way so that the message of the Gospel makes the impact needed in the lives of our audience.
Poignant saying of the Week: Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person
Prayer: Teach me to tell people of your love in the most effective way. May the Holy Spirit anoint each word of mine and may he give me the needed skill to speak your word. Let me give myself to my audience rather than just words.
Republished in new layout on 8/20/2013
Previous Comment
I like the title
written by Reader Light , July 25, 2008
I appreciate your article
“Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person.”
its really true, thank you for exploring it for us.
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