The reality of living with God- in Christ
Bible is not just a book of teachings, doctrines and theology but is full of living pictures depicting people trying to live with God. Starting with the sad drama of Adam and Eve followed by Cain and Abel we see tragedy after tragedy on human race till the big construction plan at Babel. In this span of time, Noah’s story is a positive part where a man tries to live with God and succeeds partially. From genesis chapter 12 God calls out people inviting them to live with Him- follow me. Abraham was one to respond then and that story continues into Mathew chapter 1 where Jesus is born as the son of David, the son of Abraham. God is always looking for people who will come in contact with Him and are willing to walk with Him. Walking with God for man is fulfillment, fellowship, protection, provision, wholesome healing and care etc. as well as partnering into the Godly plans and actions in this world now and preparing and getting ready for the life together with Him in eternity.
To initiate into this life, there is always a call which may come through a voice, a touch or a vision/revelation to start with. Not all receive it, not all who receive respond and not all respond obey- follow on. This is the sad reality of the human race because of the broken relationship with God by willful sin in the beginning and the continuing perversion and darkness of the human mind and heart. Romans 1:17-32 brings out this truth and much more of what man has gone ahead and rebelled against God by creating gods to live with. This all proves the operation of free will in man which God has given to man as part of His own nature as man was created in God’s image. So to receive the call through a voice, a touch or a vision/revelation has to be again a free will choice of man. God gives the opportunity but we need to respond using our free will.
Bible is full of such people who received, responded and lived with God. They did not become perfect in themselves but were brought into the path of perfection which is the end and an act of God. They are on display on the shelves of Biblical narratives to assure us that this kind of life is surely possible and also to teach us the dynamics of the process of receiving, responding and living such a life with God. So these are not just historic stories and events but are role models challenging us to consider and emulate.
Anyone who receives or perceives this call immediately recognizes his fallen nature, inadequacy and the need for forgiveness and restoration. This is turning to God or repentance from man’s side as response. God need to touch and declare them to forgive, heal and restore into a new relationship with Him- this is being made right with God- righteousness an act of God in His grace. In the Old Testament this was a turnaround for people who became God conscious and started to walk with him. In the New Testament because Jesus has fulfilled the requirements of law and has brought down the grace of God in its fullness to all those who believe, this setting up rightness is an act of receiving Jesus into our lives (2 Cor 5:18,19). This is called justification and is instantly made effective into our lives as we consciously receive Jesus as our personal savior and Lord. This is our born again experience or salvation as usually called.
Walking alongside a Holy God is not possible for humans who still carry the old and new nature in their bodies and hence viable to do sin and get distracted from God’s company. They do not become holy overnight, it is a lifelong process of listening, trusting, depending and obeying God who continues to make his still and small voice (1 Kings 19:13) audible to them and gives direction faithfully in all situations (Isa 30:20,21). This demands disciplines of body and mind which comes through the regular understanding and meditating the Word of God and praying which is communication with God in spirit. In the Old Testament this was done by sacrifices, rituals, and ceremonies according to the law from time to time. But in the New Testament we are born into a new community in Christ, the Church and have received the indwelling Holy Spirit. So we are no more alone in ourselves but God with us and in us. This is the new life but need to be cultivated as we still have the old and new natures in our body. To encourage and regularize this process in us we need fellow walkers who will give us fellowship, teaching and correction. That is where local church communities play a vital role in the process of making us more holy, more like Jesus which is called sanctification. It is the work of the Holy Spirit living in us through the teaching of the Word, prayer and fellowship.
We live with a living hope as we are not yet made into what we have to be- the glorified children of God. In the Old Testament this was a hope they looked forward to as there was no way they could achieve it then neither they could perceive a process through which God is going to do it. They just had the promise that God will do it for them and they had to live in that hope. That was the Messianic hope they lived on. That is why Jesus said, “Even Abraham wanted to see this day”. But for us in the New Testament the process has been revealed and completed in Jesus. He said on the cross, “It is finished”. Once He is lifted up all will be lifted up. And that is how we become the children of God and as an assurance; God has come to live in us through the Holy Spirit. In Romans 5:1-5 Paul brings this into focus and John challenges us to hold on to this hope in 1 John 2:24-3:2. This is following God in consistency and single heartedness for which a commitment and sacrificial surrender is necessary as explained in Romans 12:1-2 all constrained by the love of Christ (2 Cor 5:14). So we are going to be glorified when Jesus comes back in glory take us to be with Him- that is glorification.
Living with God make three conditions necessary; to live in the presence of God, to abide by His laws for life and be available to accomplish His will on earth. This is exactly what echoed in the prayer Jesus taught in Mathew 6:7-15. To be in the conscious awareness of the Father who is in heaven and live a life worthy of His name by following His laws, and accomplishing the will of God, that is God’s Kingdom expressed in our lives, families, communities and hence in this corrupt world as a witness as well as opportunity for others come in. That is the final prayer in Revelation 22:17-20.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of grace-unmerited privilege, from God to humankind. It provides a universal invitation to everyone to listen and respond. In Psalm 19 (1-6) David told that the nature itself brings out this message universally but now it is more clear, vocal and declared through the lives and utterance of Christians everywhere (Acts 1;8, 17:22-32). Essentially this is the task of the Church, the body of Christ on earth, to exemplify and amplify this call of God and make it available to everyone. We are the Kingdom people ushering in the Kingdom into the lives of people around us now and waiting for the eternal Kingdom in its fullness and glory to appear. It is not going to be delayed (Heb 10:35-39). Are we prepared and ready?
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