A brand new life in Jesus – a study based on John 3
For Nicodemus it was an important meeting, to have a discussion with the newly arrived, self revealed but very popular guru- Jesus. He was not one among them but was getting very influential. He had a following though not of much worth but what He did was something no one had done and what He taught was counter cultural. His life style was unacceptable but He was unique and very authentic. Though Nicodemus was one among the known, respected and senior gurus, he chose to meet the young Jesus little privately and was truly humble enough to give Jesus value and credibility, even to argue that His authority was from God as vouched by what He did. He must have expected a good evening discussion with Jesus and able to find out some more facts about this young guru and His plans, and maybe he can strike a deal with Him to make another clique among gurus.
But he was in for a surprise. Jesus was not in a mood to discuss about Himself or His plans, neither to strike a deal but shocked Nicodemus by the statement, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. Jesus had to challenge him to use his guru’s interpretative skills to understand and discern the statement spiritually. Nicodemus could only ask, “How can these things be?” as he was unable to relate the heavenly truths with the present realities especially against the traditional Jewish expectations. To which Jesus explains the purpose of His coming in versus 11-13, the Messiah has come and He is going to be lifted up as the only way of salvation from the death under sin (v14). A new dispensation is going to break open where the world is being reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:18) through that very act of God- the lifting up -the crucifixion of the son of man- the Messiah.
In this new dispensation, it is no more the temple, the rituals, the law or any other human effort which is going to save humanity from its bondage, depravity and death but the faith expressed through believing Jesus and what He did on our behalf on the cross. This faith is available to only those who are born of the water, the Word- the gospel and the Spirit, the activity of the Holy Spirit to one who respond to the Word, the message enabling Him to accept Jesus as the savior and the Lord. Hence they receive life- the eternal life (V 15), which is provisioned for the world because of God’s love for His creation but only made effective for those who choose to believe (v16). John 1:12 affirms this new status as the new relationship with God, a father son relationship with inherent rights, privileges as well as responsibilities.
John 3:17-21, explains the theological basis and the divine action plan in all this with the truth of judgment and eternal condemnation for those who do not accept, choose to believe what God has graciously and freely provisioned for every one- the world. But acceptance is for whosoever- very much personal and individual. The summary of this teaching is in v.36. This is a transfer from death to life, the true life as a human being as planned and created in the beginning- to be in the image of God. 2 Cor 5:17 declares this truth as a new creation while Romans 12:1-2 challenges us to willingly participate in the ongoing process of transformation. It is an instant birth as well an ongoing process. John the Baptist was the one who recognized, declared and testified to this eternal plan of salvation through the Messiah who was the son of man among them (vs.22-36).
So it was for Nicodemus to make his own conclusion and choice. The way was revealed by Jesus, declared by John and vouched by the life and activities of the son of man- Jesus. To enter into this new life, we individually and personally have to recognize, respond, accept the message and adhere to a new life style ruled by the Holy Spirit who has come to dwell with us. Our new life is in Jesus (hid in Him -Jn 15) and it is an eternal relationship by a new birth in the Word (1 Pet 1:23) and the Holy Spirit. So we are born of God as John says in 1 John 5:1 and hence mandated to live as the children of light bearing witness to the truth of this new life in us..
As any growth in living beings, the life expresses itself through the knowledge-realization of self and the activities done by the power from within. The knowledge and the realization comes through our interaction with the Word of God – hear, read, listen, mediate, study, accept and apply; while direction, enabling, empowering and control of our life styles and activities come from the indwelling power of God in us, the Holy Spirit. Thereby the new life in us is expressed in and through a Christ like mind and life style (Phil 2:5, Eph 5:1 and Gal 2:20) bringing glory to God, our father and accomplishing His purposes (Eph 2:10) in and through us. So truly we can grow to say confidently with Paul that our goal is to please God (2 Cor 5:9) and live a care free life (Phil 1:21) in this painful and suffering world.
The origin, the source, the growth, the expression and the maturing of this life has nothing to do with our goodness (as nothing good dwells in us), righteousness (all are lost and separated from God) or efforts (all human efforts are sin tainted). It is all because of God’s love, grace and enabling. Grace and love had been poured out on the cross in Jesus Christ and now into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5) who also enables and empowers us to live a Godly life if only we ask, seek, depend, submit, and surrender to Him willingly and continuously. We do not become good by doing good, but we do good because we are born good in Christ. We do not become righteous by doing the right things but we do right because we have inherited the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We do not live by what we see or do but by faith in Christ Jesus. We do not try to make ourselves holy but we consistently yield to the indwelling Holy Spirit to bring out His holiness into our lives.
As we continue to live with our old and new natures, this life is going to be a perpetual struggle till we meet our author and finisher (Heb 12:1,2). He is faithful so we do not need to fret or despair. His promises are true as in Phil 1:6 and 2 Tim 2:13. It is going to be a daily warfare inside ourselves as well as outside in the corrupt world. As in any warfare, we need to know the enemy -our old self, the enticing world and Satan as well as their strategies- old habits, way of the world and the lies of Satan. We need to be equipped with the truth, readiness, gifts and enabling of the Holy Spirit, prayerful communication with the Lord and a willing, humble and sensitive heart to obey and act. We may fail, retreat and grieve at times but take heart, we are not loosers, we are victors and the final victory is ours in Christ Jesus. We need to look up, pull ourselves up, set things right with our Lord (1 Jn 1:8.9), stand firm and run forward. Our God knows our weaknesses and limits and is gracious, forgiving and enabling. We need to cling on to Him who will take us through and bring us into His eternal Kingdom to live with Him forever, it is His never failing promise.
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